The Flower That Blossomed

In the world of fashion there is an item of clothing for every occasion and when I was seven, I was able to dress up as what I imagined to be a real-life princess: although to everyone else I was a bridesmaid. This wedding was extra special to me due to the fact the bride and groom were my mam and dad; a thirteen-year engagement was had so they could spend their special day with their children.

My bridesmaid dress was a floor length lavender gown. It was silk with a square neckline and a spaghetti strap, it was nothing but elegant, although at a young age I didn’t quite appreciate this having spent my time running around the grounds of Kirkley Hall covering it in grass stains. I was blissfully unaware that the colour of this dress would become so important to me later in life.

Throughout the day it became evident that lavender was a running theme throughout the wedding. It was worked into a lot of elements of the day by my mam: lavender is at the forefront of many of her much-loved memories as a child with her garden being filled with it. The décor, the cupcakes, the dresses, the men’s waistcoats and cravats and even the flowers themselves were all linked with lavender. This was due to it holding a place close to her heart, quite literally as stems of the flower were imbedded into her bouquet.

Since this day, unintentionally lavender has also become quite a significant part of my life. Looking back, it is almost funny to me how carefree I was as a child as over the years that has become less so. When I was seven, I was able to stand up in front of 70 people, friends and family, and read a poem during the wedding ceremony. Ask me to do that now at the age of 20 and it would send fear into my bones, I bet there is a lot of us that have done things as a child that we now view as an impossible thing to do. Growing up we encounter many things our childhood self does not foresee, if I was to ask my seven-year-old self if in thirteen years’ time would they envision me having to deal with anxiety every day the answer would most likely be no. Stressing and overthinking wasn’t in my nature back then.

It wasn’t until I was asked to think about clothing in a meaningful way that I recognised the impact this lavender dress has had on my life. It is ironic how I now use the aromas of lavender to ease me on my stressful days, with the help of soothing oils and sprays it brings me back to my lavender dress a day spent with no worry or fear. This special day will always be my favourite childhood memory, it was an occasion filled with happiness love and laughter and my lavender dress is at the centre of that.



  1. Aimee
    12/02/2019 / 19:29

    Such a beautiful article Becca!

    • Rebecca Redford
      12/11/2019 / 14:38

      Thank you!!

  2. Gina
    12/02/2019 / 23:14

    beautifully written, lovely family x

    • Rebecca Redford
      12/11/2019 / 14:38

      Thank you!

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