12am Wednesday 14th October 2015 was the day I’ve been dreading since I was told about this series by our very own Beauty Editor, Megan Fife two weeks ago. As the midnight hour approached all I could hear was James Blunt’s ‘Goodbye My Lover’ going round and round my head, as it summed up my loss to all things caffeinated including my number drink, Coffee.
The first day was bearable, I was kept busy with Uni work and Fashion North meetings. So my mind was focused on the tasks at hand, and not the Coffee that was once there 24 hours earlier. No major side effects yet thank God.
By day two I started to realise I was slowing down, my concentration was slipping and my tolerance level were dropping. But I am a strong independent 21st Century man, who does not need to be fuelled by the precious Liquid Gold that fuels many a nation throughout the day (I can do this right?!).
Day three and my caffeine intake had been none existent, but my sugar intake had become more prominent with Haribo sweets taking the place of the Cup Of Joe of days gone by. Ordering Decaf coffee in Starbucks seemed foreign to me, no (Ariana) Grande Americano with an extra shot for me. Just a black decaf coffee (Agent Dale Cooper would be so disappointed in me right now), with copious amounts of sugar to get me through the day. By the evening my mood level had dropped dramatically, with only a few words being spoken to my housemates, and my energy levels depleting so fast I had to take a nap early in the afternoon. #NanaNap
Sunday for me is the one-day of the week I really look forward to, as I can sit back with coffee machine doing over time, with Taylors number five running through it creating a heavenly smell around my flat. This Sunday was different, no coffee and the mood to match. Even though I’d slept well, I was sluggish, irritable and down right unhappy. Less than 72-hours to go till I am reunited with my love.
48 hours to go people and I cannot see the finishing line. My skin is oilier than normal (is this caffeine manifesting itself into excess oil?), my mood is up and down like a rollercoaster, and the headaches have been getting worse; 9am Wednesday can not come quick enough!
The last 24 hours have been almost bearable, the coffee smelling finish line is insight and I couldn’t be happier about it. My skin has a had it’s first outbreak of spots in a long time (coincidence?) and the withdrawal headaches are unbearable. The lack of energy was also evident over the phone to family members, who said I sounded “bloody awful”.
All in all, my week without any form of caffeine was the longest week I’ve had in a very long time, no green or red tea, fizzy drinks or black coffee. As I write this concluding par I have a cup of The Precious One to my left, and I can tell you, being reunited with my love is a beautiful thing.
My name is Michael Cross, and I am not a Coffee addict.