Christmas seems to be creeping up on us faster and faster each year, but fear not, you’ve still got time to get your hands on some last minute, and thoughtful looking, stocking treats.
If it’s a bit of sparkle you’re after, then any one of Nails Inc’s Christmas nail polish will make sure you’re shinning brighter than any Christmas fairy light this festive season. their perfect for you or a Christmas gift, the nail varnishes are priced at £16 each, but it’s an easy and effective gift. If you’re still not convinced look at their nail varnish gift set.
If you know someone who is into their literature, or likes a bit of fashion history, and love admiring some intricate illustrations too, then The Fashion Book would be the perfect present for you. Described by Vogue as ‘the fashion bible’ it’s an essential for navigating the fashion world.
After something a little more artsy? Have a look at these Vogue postcards, featuring 100 years of iconic covers. You might even want to keep them for yourself to frame; these are a unique snapshot into 120 years of fashion and beauty.
How about something cute? Penguins are taking over Christmas this year, but we’re not complaining. From THAT John Lewis advert that reduces us all to a puddle of tears, why not get a pyjama set that represents the furry little bird too? John Lewis have their own collection of Monty the penguin pjs but as you’re probably aware they’re sold out almost everywhere, so why not try Topshop’s penguin pyjamas?
And finally, any one for a glass of champagne…or two? It is Christmas after all. If you know someone that can’t resist the bubbles then they’re going to love this. The unique concept comes from Nordic, who have created cocktail flavoured lip balms. From bucks fizz to pink champagne, we’ll be dreaming we’re sipping by the pool and not by the central heating.