Back in November 2012 when Alexander Wang was announced as the creative director of Balenciaga the fashion world went wild. Taking over from Nicolas Ghesquière’s 15-year tenure to create his mark in the brand’s history.
We all know the designer loves monochrome so it was no surprise that the first nine looks were black and white only. But then when look 10 hit the catwalk we were instantly shocked by his choice of the pearly pinks dress with the delicate beige trench.
From this the colours kept on flowing and it was exquisite. Wang knows how to do pastels well and all the high street shops need to take some notes. The colours were pleasant on the eye and not too gaudy. Keeping this trend alive but with a twist on it.
Sports jerseys were shown with extra fabric to create a sheer knee length skirt. Adding an extra feminine touch to this luxe look. While creating these looks for the younger woman he also showcased beautiful playsuits and dresses.
Wang also incorporated ruching into full-length sleeves of the later playsuits, which brought new dimensions to the classic summer garment. All these looks were paired up with a hybrid pump/sandal (pandal?) that are of an odd design.