After the online success of trends like the full face highlighter or using kitchen cutlery like knives and spoons to achieve the perfect contour, the Internet has found a new way to amaze us with two very questionable looks…
- Feather Brows:
The obsession with eyebrows continues. We went from bold and on fleek brows to slightly more natural looking ones and now, feather brows are the hot new online thing!
The trend started when make-up artist, Stella Sironen, posted the exciting new look on Instagram. To achieve this feather-like look, all you have to do is split your eyebrow hair in the middle using a glue stick… Er, what?
People seem to either absolutely love or hate it, and a lot of other make-up artists followed the footsteps of Sironen filling our Instagram feeds with the hashtag #featherbrows showcasing the look while adding their own personal twist to it:
- See Through ‘Jeans’:
Topshop released a pair of transparent knee Mom jeans that caused uproar all over the Internet. The goal of these jeans was definitely to be seen and make sure that people were talking about it and, oh boy, they were talked about:
Yesterday, we had the non-existent Urban Outfitters crop top. Today, I give you these “clear knee mom jeans” from Topshop.
— Hatty Collier (@HattyCollier) 14 March 2017
After the success of the clothing item, the brand decided that it was time to go even bolder, releasing a completely transparent pair of jeans.
The opinions on the clothing item go from opposite spectrums and, naturally, everyone took to Twitter to voice their opinions on the matter.
@Amz_97_ It’s mainly topshop tbh, they make weird stuff…like clear jeans? How are they even jeans if they’re clear?? 😂
— Liv (@LivMelliard) 1 May 2017
So, what do you think about these fashion trends? Do you love them or hate them? Tell us your opinions on Twitter @Fashion_North.