It seems that Coronavirus pandemic is going to be with us for a little while. We are advised to stay home and for households to not mix with others. For many of us, this situation is lasting too long and we are getting bored and loosing our motivation to do anything.
Therefore, more than ever it is very important to find any hobby or activity, we should be busy with doing something, and it can be ANYTHING! So many of us told ourselves “I’d like to make a radical change to my hair!” Maybe some of you have thought about crazy neon colours, such as pink, green, blue or rather pastels colours. In recent years, box braids have been a big hit, you can choose from various options. Are you getting tired of your long, long hair and would like to do an EXTREME SHORT CUT ? Maybe go bald ? Maybe you have always heard that annoying inner voice in your head, but you scared of doing it. How it will be look on me? What if I won’t like it ? Therefore, it is better to use short-lasting colours which you can easily wash away, or use henna colour- which is 100% natural and will help nurture your hair.
Whatever you like, we are bringing you tips for cruelty-free hair colours and tutorials how to make box braids home – you can try it with your BFF, mum, or sister. Now is the time for experiments!
Always dreaming of pastel hair colours ? Are you tired of natural hair tones? Do it! Pastel hair colours are so IN, as well as neon shades, but those are for braver people as the colours are very vibrant. We chose a romantic option- light pink and blue pastel ombre. But of course, you can try whatever combination you want, you are young – experiment!
You can choose colours from Artic Fox colours or Bleach London, both are cruelty-free, vegan and organic. Don’t damage your hair and you’ll get rich, shiny shades.
If a radical change is a NO GO for you, but you would like to try something new, then henna is a great option. Choose from natural Lush henna products and get inspired by the tutorial below for the best result.
This hairstyle is very popular during summer months, but why not try it now- during Autumn/Winter days? It is cloudy and grey outside, we need colours so much! Have fun with this step by step box braids tutorial. Colourful kanekalons can be bought here Etsy vegan coloured fibres or here Pauls hair world syntetic kanekalons.
The last tip for extreme hairstyle is a really radical change. You should be confident about this decision, because you may regret this decision for longer than the others. We have to be honest – not everyone looks good with a bald head, but if you have been tempted for a while, you should do it. You can shave your head for many reasons. If you would like to do it and at the same time do something kind, you can donate your hair to the Little princess trust , which after December 2 will be accepting donations again.
Of course, there’s a TikTok compilation of people shaving their head for the first time. Watch below for some great reactions!
Whatever change you get, small or big, is still a change. This year has been full of unwanted changes, so we need to do any good change for us, even if it is about your hair. Show us your drastic hair changes on Twitter and Instagram!