Picture by: Zacharie Scheurer / AP/Press Association Images
For vegetarian Stella McCartney there was no wonder she chose to exclusively debut M.I.A’s new song, “Ola,” with lyrics such as “Get Yo Tofu On” and “I’m A Vegan, Bitch!” clearly state a message from the designer.
As a famous vegetarian building an incredible successful business without using any traces of leather or animal skins across any collection this season was no different – jackets stuffed with feather free wadding and coats made with animal skin-free skin.
McCartney, known for her relaxed attitude to dressing, delivered a somewhat eclectic mix between relaxed and show-off. Her usual tunics layered over trousers was evident and stood strong but in a change of pace we saw large, bold puffer jackets and an introduction of lamé. A grown up high neck knitted dress was balanced with a somewhat childish swan motif print shown on other trousers, skirts and tops.
A slight nod to the 20’s perhaps during this collection as the low necklines and pleated skirts suggest a hint of rebellion with silk satin gowns evident of the era. A delicate turquoise dress with a lace neckline and pleated skirt screams elegance paired with an equally delicate half moon gold necklace with a drop pearl. A huge faux-fur coat layered over masculine bottle green pleated trousers reflected McCartney’s adoration for a mix in styles, shapes and textures.
While black padded trousers and puffer jackets weren’t the highlight of the show the balance of this with the delicate pleats worked well as individual and contemporary pieces and the sheer black lace dress truly was exquisite. The craftsman ship and the delicate work of each pleat and lace panel as well as a sheer hem was commendable to those who made each garment. With plenty of sexy and plenty of simplicity Stella McCartney has once again designed a knock out collection in flared velvet perfection.