With fashion month coming to a close, we’ve seen a new breed of show attendees and invites: the TikToker, specifically the fashion TikToker.
Gone are the days when YouTubers dominated online trends with their half-hour Zara hauls and “get ready with me” vlogs. Whilst the influencers we used to love still hold acclaim and interest, they are slowly being replaced by a newer group of individuals with fresh ideas and new content.
This new gaggle of fashion lovers has filled the once ‘cringeworthy’ app with front row challenges, thrift hauls, small business reviews and monologues on the latest trends. Whilst some may criticise their influence on over-consumption and the ever changing fashion cycle, their videos are educational, aesthetic and essential for any fashion lover.
We’ve rounded up a list of 10 of the best fashion TikTokers you need (emphasis on need) to follow to stay in the loop, inspired and informed.
Charles Gross- @charlesgross
With his calming voice and classic style, Charles’ videos range from educational looks at brands, iconic garments and shows as well as the occasional outfit video or skincare tips. Vocal and open, he is also keen to give advice an often answers Q and As on his page.

Charles Gross: Image from google Images
Benji- @fashionboy
With 192.1K followers, Benji creates informative and opinionated content. Some of his knowledge could surprise even the most knowledgeable of fashion historians. He has also recently launched a series donned ‘identifying fashion’ which aims to teach its viewers how to identify brands just by looking at the garments as well as a constant stream of up-to-date fashion news.
Mandy Lee- @oldloserinbrooklyn
Whilst possibly not the most conventional choice, Mandy Lee is a new york based trend analyst who uses her platform to discuss personal style, the trend cycle and catwalk reviews. Her own style is very much eclectic and suited to lovers of bright colours, fun patterns and novelty prints but she still covers a wide aspects of aesthetics, brands and designer.
Drips- @Drips_conceptstore
This tik tok page is self proclaimed to ‘bringing you:fashion’. They feature a variety of fashion news as well as more niche subjects like zodiac signs as fashion brands and even fashion riddles. They lack the personality of other pages as the creator/s remain anonymous but their wealth of content makes up for it.
Tessa- @Moderngurlz
One of the TikTok stars who started on YouYube (and continues to have a strong channel featuring Q and As and video essays), Tessa’s account focuses on film fashion, with costuming reviews, updates on upcoming films and cult runway pieces.
Eve Lily- @evelilythrifts
Credited with the creation of the ‘Frow challenge’, Eve Lily’s style is full of layering, pattern and androgynous pieces. Her tik tok focuses on her own personal style whilst promoting sustainability and thrifting. Whilst her taste may not be for everyone, everyone can gleam something from her videos, whether it be a layering hack or new favourite colour combination.

Eve Lily:
Image from Google Images
Olivia and Alice- @oliviaandalace
Sisters with a shared wardrobe to rival Mia Thermopolis in The Princess Diaries, the way they mix and match pieces inspired and encourages outfit repeating and a more sustainable approach to clothes. Like others on this list, their style features a lot of colour and pattern, sourced from a variety of high street and independent stores.
Kate Bartlett- @katebartlett
Kate is a New York student in her final year at FIT. Whilst her TikTok takes a very personal approach, she shares her experiences living in new York and studying fashion, often taking follows through her days, assignments and brand events. Despite being American based, lots of the clothes she features are accessible and affordable.
Renata Dagrella- @rendagrella
Another New York-based fashionista, Ren works as a production coordinator for Coach. Her videos focus on realistic days in New York, her recent engagement and fitness. But as a size 10/12 and from an immigrant family, she is much more representative and relatable than some of the other influencers on this list. Body positive and stylish, she often recreates ‘pinterest outfits’ in her size.
Luke Meagher- @Hautelemode
Another influencer who started his career on Youtube, Luke is sassy and opinionated. His TikToks often focus on red carpet and catwalk reviews with history and knowledge interjected. With a podcast and his flourishing Youtube channel to accompany, he has his fingers in a few pies.

Luke Meagher:
Image from Google Images
Who do you follow on TikTok? Tell us on Fashion North’s Twitter account