Lush’s Luxury Pud Bath Bomb (£3.40) has made a return to their Christmas collection for 2014. I’m a sucker for any kind of novelty, festive bath time product, and the multicoloured Christmas pudding design paired with the blackcurrant scent utterly reeled me in.
After running a hot bath, I popped the Luxury Pud into the water. Almost immediately, the water blossomed into a rainbow of pink, purple, blue, green, yellow and orange. My bathroom was filled with the calming scents of lavender and, according to Lush’s website, something called tonka absolute (although I’m sure there’s still a little bit of blackcurrant Ribena in there somewhere). The festive scent of the product really gets you in the mood for Christmas.
Sitting in a bath filled with amazing multicoloured water certainly has the potential to bring out your inner child, but I also found the soothing scent of lavender really relaxed my body and made me feel at ease. If you love the calming fragrance of the Luxury Pud, but aren’t too fussed about the novelty that comes with it, Lush’s Twilight Bath Bomb shares the same scent, and retails for 15p less than the Pud.
The Luxury Pud is one of the most unique products in Lush’s Christmas collection – no bath bomb looks as beautiful as this one. I was delighted to find that the bath water remained infused with the spectacle of shades, it made bath time feel festive and the jewel tones in the water really resonated with that Christmassy feel – making you think of tree baubles and Quality Street wrappers.
I found that the Luxury Pud left my skin feeling nourished (due to the moisturising benzoin resinoid ingredient), and the festive scent lingered on my skin up until around midday the next day. It also left my bathroom smelling wonderful, which is always a bonus!
But, you can’t deny that £3.40 is quite expensive for a one-off bath time treat. It could be argued that you could use a knife to break the Bath Bomb into small chunks to use on multiple occasions, but then you aren’t really going to experience the multicoloured magic. However, if you’re after a bath product to use on a special occasion, such as Christmas Eve, there really isn’t a more suitable product than the Luxury Lush Pud.