Tutorial: table snowflake


We at fashion North understand that much of the time the lead up to Christmas can be a complete rush, among the gift shopping, the hunt for the biggest Christmas turkey and with all of those Christmas parties to attend, it is easy to forget to buy accessories for your house and table. Therefore, we have come up with 5 little Christmas miracle makes that you can do with friends and family on Christmas Eve, made from things lying about the house. Makes perfect for if you’re a student or if you’re simply strapped for cash after all the festivities. Watch out for our other tutorials today!

The classic paper snowflake with a twist

This classic retro make has always been a favourite because it is so simple and fun to make. Fashion North have found a tutorial for you, which is a bit more intricate than the ones you used to make in reception as a child, but still look super pretty when either hung from the ceiling or laid on the table. And of course they can be made practically cost free with any spare paper or card you have left from uni and some sellotape.

Take a sheets of A4 paper and cut it in to square, then fold that square in to quarters.


Cut out a curved edged triangle, then cut two lines on each side mimicking the shape of the curved triangle.


Unfold the triangle (you want to make two of these). Take one of your stars and take the middle strands of the their points, fold them in to the middle and tape them down.


Take the second star shape and place it diagonally behind the star you have been working on, then take the middle sections of that stars points and tape those in between the points of the star on top.


Flip the star over and secure the two stars together with sellotape, and you’re done!


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