The newest Netflix Original to hit our screens is the highly anticipated ‘Blonde’ film; a fictional portrayal of Marilyn Monroe’s personal life. There is no doubt that Monroe is one of the most iconic actresses of all time, and her fashion was nothing short of iconic too.
Easily recognised by her blonde locks, Marilyn Monroe was a huge sex symbol of the 1950s and 1960s during the height of her career. Her clothing was elegant, feminine and the designs she wore symbolised a height of glamour and the perceived luxurious lifestyle of Hollywood film stars of the time.
In light of the newly published ‘Blonde’, here at Fashion North, we have put together the top five most iconic looks from Monroe’s career.
1. Potato sack dress (1951)
Possibly the most unique look worn by Monroe is a potato sack dress she wore for a photoshoot in 1951. The potato sack accentuated her famous hourglass figure and emphasised just how iconic Monroe really was. It’s not often that someone could pull off wearing a potato sack but of course, Monroe was the woman to do it.

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2. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes pink dress (1953)
This famous outfit, first showcased in ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’ has been recreated several times by celebrities of today such as Madonna, Kylie Jenner and Blake Lively in the hit series ‘Gossip Girl’. If the fuchsia pink silk gown was not extravagant enough, the outfit was complete with opera gloves, alongside large pieces of silver jewellery.
3. The Seven Year Itch white dress (1955)
Of course, the white cocktail dress is on our list, in which Monroe wore the dress in ‘The Seven Year Itch’. Standing over a subway grate in New York, a gust of wind forces Monroe to hold the bottom of her dress down, creating one of the most iconic scenes in film.

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