Be prepared
We’re talking Vin Diesel in The Pacifier prepared, but instead of being equipped with baby bottles and nappies you need to have your shopping essentials. It’s best to have a small cross body bag, so you can keep it close at all times and it won’t get wedged between other people as you squeeze between them to grab the last pair of Topshop boots. Make sure you have your purse, plasters and a bottle of water – it can get pretty hot and sweaty in those shops. Oh, and wear flat shoes, comfort and mobility is key.
Have a list
We all know how easy it is to get distracted on a shopping trip, especially when discount is involved, so it’s probably best to have a list of what you want to buy ready beforehand. Another tip is to be sensible. Don’t buy those patterned trousers you’d never usually pick just because they’re £70 reduced to £7 – you’ll regret it later when you’ve come down from your shopping high.
A coffee break is essential
Shopping is tiring at the best times, never mind on Boxing Day, so a stop at your fave coffee shop is obligatory – and it’s also an excuse to have your last Starbucks red cup until next year.
Remember they’re only shoes and clothes (*gasp*)
So your favourite shop is currently looking like something straight out The Hunger Games and you’re ready to get your Katniss Everdeen on, but before you use that stiletto as a weapon, just remember you’re fighting over clothes. Keep calm and move on.
Or just do it all online instead
We live in the 21st century so why even bother dragging yourself out of your new xmas pjs and into the chaotic shops? Settle down with a nice cup of tea and take to the web for your sales shopping. And, in case you receive any gift cards for Christmas, most high street stores allow you to use them online now too!
Happy shopping.