Online fashion brand Missguided have collaborated with men’s lifestyle magazine Playboy. The collaboration launched on September 28 and consists of everything from oversized t-shirts, hoodies, joggers, dresses and jewellery. Every piece is adorned with the Playboy bunny logo and the collection ranges from £8 to £50.
Here at Fashion North we’re loving the grey, repeat print oversized T-shirt priced at £18. This item is perfect for the current weather because of its cosy material, you could wear it at home or to university. Another key pick is the black plus-size joggers emblazoned with a yellow bunny, priced at £22. The larger fit is very comfortable and available for all sizes.
When announcing the collaboration, Missguided and Playboy called it: “The essential collection for a new generation of rebellious females who dress by their own rules.”
Check out our mood board below to see how you can be creative with your fashion, with this major collection. Shop the look here.