The hashtag is a weird and wonderful thing. Essentially a mishmash of symbols and acronyms, this popular social media tool has the power to gain you a few more Instagram likes, or render you as a little bit desperate. With this in mind, it’s kind of essential that you understand the basics. Get your notebooks at the ready, today at Fashion North we’ll be giving you a lesson in your beauty hash tag ABC.
1) #FOTD
Face of the day. This hashtag features most prominently in the caption of any beauty-savvy girls’ selfie. It enables other make-up lovers to have a peek at what look the user in question has decided to sport that day.
2) #FOTN
Face of the night. This hashtag is essentially the same as number 1, but it is used to show the make-up that someone has chosen to wear on a night out. Particularly proud of your Saturday night smokey eye? Get your #FOTN on.
3) #bbloggers
Used by beauty bloggers to share their latest post amongst like-minded users, this is the tag to go for if you want to promote a fabulous article, or find your new favourite blog. A browse of this hashtag is guaranteed to make you want to get spending. Trip to Boots, anyone?
4) #NOTD
Nails of the day. Got yourself an amazing new manicure? Here’s the hashtag to go with your #handselfie. Let the lacquer lovers see your new nails!
5) #WIMB
What’s in my bag. Used by beauty lovers to share the contents of their current make-up bag to their followers. Feeling nosy? This is the tag to browse.