Here at Fashion North we have gathered the best and worst celebrity tattoos, guaranteed to either leave you with tattoo envy or relief that you don’t have one.
The best:
Lady Gaga’s A Star is Born tattoo
Photo credit: Twitter
Lady Gaga’s brand-new La vie en rose tattoo, travelling along her spinal cord is giving us all the A Star is Born feels. To all those reading this who haven’t seen the film, we strongly suggest you cancel your plans for the rest of the day and get straight to it, be warned you’ll need a tissue.
Shawn Mendes’ guitar tattoo
Photo Credit: capitalfm
If Shawn Mendes wasn’t already cute enough when we found out the neck of the guitar is the sound waves of his parents saying I love you our hearts melted. No, we’re not crying there’s just something in our eye.
Ariana Grande’s Manchester tattoo
Photo credit: Instagram
Located just behind her ear, the small bee tattoo is a symbol representing Manchester. Damn these celebrities for having such meaningful tattoos.
Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott’s matching butterfly
photo credit: Pintrest
Both Kylie Jenner and boyfriend Travis Scott have tiny butterfly tattoos on their ankle. These dainty tattoos are undeniably adorable, and who can forget all the baby name rumours they sparked when Kylie’s pregnancy was announced.
The worst:
Cheryl’s rose tattoo
Photo credit: Cosmopolitan
Cheryl’s back/butt tattoo is one of the most memorable celebrity tattoos but for all the wrong reasons. We can’t help but wonder what she was thinking.
Amanda Seyfried’s ‘minge’ tattoo
photo credit:
Amanda’s tattoo is a symbol of her friendship with Mamma Mia co-stars who also have matching ones, and whilst the term has no meaning in America in England it is certainly not a term of endearment.
Post Malone’s face tattoos
Photo credit: Instagram
Whenever we look at Post Malone we just think WOW, those face tattoos must have been super painful, and whilst we relate to always feeling tired, I think we’ll stick to concealer to cover our dark circles.
Kelsy Karter’s Harry Styles tattoo
Photo credit: BBC
Our first thoughts when seeing this tattoo were ‘what has she done to her face?” and “why would she do that to herself?” As much as we love Harry, a tattoo of him on your face is a bit much, you could imagine our relief when we found out it was fake. We have to hand it to Kelsy though, she got us good.
Have we missed any horrific or memorable celeb tattoos? Let us know on Twitter @Fashion_North