Last Friday, Lounge Underwear released 50,000 free hot pink thongs in collaboration with breast cancer charities CoppaFeel! and Trekstock.
Photo credit: @loungeunderwear Instagram
At 12pm last Friday Lounge Underwear released a limited amount of hot pink thongs, which sold out in under four hours, to raise money and awareness for breast cancer.
To get your hands on a pair all you had to do was donate on the website.
100% of the profits raised go to CoppaFeel! and Trekstock and, although the free underwear has sold out, you can still visit the campaign page and make a donation of £1, £3, £5 or £10.
The aim of the campaign is to encourage women (and men!) to regularly check their breasts and to feel empowered and confident enough to do so, with the hot pink underwear acting as reminder whenever you see it.
Photo credit: @Shannonalxndra Instagram
Melanie Marsden, Co-Founder and Chief Brand Officer for Lounge Underwear, said: “We wanted to encourage and inspire our audience, uplift them with positive messages of how to check, understanding that it can feel nerve racking and making sure they know they’re not alone. We’re all in this together!
“We truly care about our community, and are extremely passionate and dedicated to educating them on how to feel comfortable and confident in getting to know they’re normal and all coming together as women (and men) this Breast Cancer Awareness Month.”
She added: “If we can make just one person put their phone down and get checking, we’re happy.”
But how do you check properly?
It’s important to be checking at least once a month. You should be looking for lumps or bumps all the way up to your collarbone and armpits, nipple discharge, soreness, nipple inversion, changes in size or texture or puckering of nipples.
Checking starts by simply feeling! Lift your breast tissue up and make sure you use circular motions. You should be pressing quite hard, to the point where it almost feels a bit uncomfortable and feel all the way up to your collar bone and arms.
For a more detailed guide visit the Lounge Underwear website where you can download a free guide on the best way to #feelyourbreast.
Photo credit: @Misha_Grimes Instagram
The campaign features seven women, Shannon, Leanne, Georgie, Nicky, Emma, Dizzy and Angel, who all have or have had cancer, referred to as ‘The Legends.’
Melanie says: “Our Legends have each experienced a unique journey with cancer and each of them are so very inspiring with the stories and empowering messages they have to tell.”
Shannon Alexandra, 24, is one of these Legends.
Photo credit: @shannonalxndra Instagram
Shannon discovered she had a DCIS tumour in 2015 after noticing a lump when balancing a bowl of popcorn on her boobs during a movie night with her boyfriend.
In 2016 the same thing happened again, only this time on the other breast. She was able to catch it much earlier on this time but as a breast cancer survivor this campaign is important to her as she said early detection saved her life.
She told Fashion North: “I hope people take away from this campaign the message that breast cancer can affect anyone of any age! I was 19/20 when I got diagnosed, we should all be checking!”
She added: “I’ve had so many messages from people about how they started checking their boobs for symptoms because of my social media posts so I think if I can help one more person it’ll all be worth it.”
Raising awareness can come from donating to these campaigns and charities but also by simply speaking to your friends and family and sharing information on your social media platform no matter how big or small the following.
Emma Sandford, a North East based blogger, was involved in sharing the campaign on her Instagram when it launched.
She said: “I wanted to be involved because I think it’s a subject that needs to be talked about more openly, particularly with younger girls as we don’t really consider the risks of having breast cancer.
“I hope this starts an ongoing conversation where we feel free to talk about our bodies and our health; topics that people are more nervous or withdrawn to discuss.
“Plus, free underwear, donating to amazing charities and raising awareness for a vital cause… it’s just a fab campaign to get involved in!”
If you are concerned about any of the issues raised in this article, then please speak to a close friend or family member, and seek medical advice.
A list of breast cancer charities: Breast cancer now, Breast Cancer Uk, The Pink Ribbon foundation , Cancer Research Uk, Know your lemons.
Remember to #feelyourbreast regularly as early detection can save lives.