Lemon Bottle: TikTok’s newest fat loss treatment

Lemon Bottle injections and Ozempic are two of the latest viral TikTok trends to aid fat loss. Should we really be taking medical advice from a dancing app?

Social media has a lot to answer for when it comes to body image and weight-related issues, in particular, TikTok. A quick scroll on the app is enough to send you into a rabbit hole of conspiring weight loss fads, diets and procedures. It seems like every other week a new fat loss method is thrown at us with relentless before and after transformations convincing us to give it a go. It’s enough to make anyone spiral, but are they even safe?

So, what is Lemon Bottle? It is the newest fat-dissolving injection on the market with the promise to melt away stubborn fat in just one session. It is injected into areas of the body with excess fat you wish to get rid of. People typically opt for smaller areas such as under the chin which from seeing several TikTok videos seems the most effective. However, some clinics offer the treatment on a larger scale with patients having the dissolvent injected into their stomach and back fat.

Lemon Bottle has blown up all over TikTok and has been branded the new Ozempic with over 13k posts under the hashtag lemon bottle on the app and likely thousands more videos.

A quick Google trends report shows that searches for fat loss injections have all of a sudden shot up this past month with it becoming an increasingly popular treatment across not only the nation but the world. Results showed zero searches from January 1st to the beginning of April where searches out of nowhere skyrocketed to 100 in one day.

This treatment became popular right as the controversial Ozempic storm rolled in with influencers and A-list celebrities dropping weight drastically with the medication. The problem lies with people using Ozempic for vanity purposes as opposed to controlling blood sugars for medical purposes which is what it is intended for.

Despite not having as drastic of results compared to Ozempic, Lemon Bottle, however, is far more affordable and accessible. With clinics all over the nation offering this brand-new treatment and more to come the treatment is pretty much on your doorstep. It is a quick fix for a lot of people who don’t want to spend a lot of money on alternative surgeries and procedures such as liposuction. Some people however are sharing their disappointment with Lemon Bottle as the results are not always what they expect.

Jess Wain at Fika Aesthetics in Durham recently started offering this treatment at her clinic and has seen amazing results using it on herself and her clients.  Jess shared some reality with us that people shouldn’t always expect the results they see on Tik Tok as that is not always reality “I think if you’ve thought about those treatment options for a long time, it’s affecting your mental health or it’s something about yourself that you believe won’t change from exercise or a calorie deficit, then do your research before deciding to go for it so you know what you’re putting your body through and that it’s a safe option for you. But don’t expect life-changing results!”

A concern also lies with the fact these injections are widely available to purchase online which is dangerous with little regulations in the aesthetics field meaning pretty much anyone can get their hands on it and begin injecting this treatment which is a danger in itself. Despite sounding great and many people having great results, there is little to no clinical research and tests on this injectable because it is so new. Thus, meaning there are not many possible long or short-term side effects researched that people should be considering.

We Spoke to Rachel Watson at RA Aesthetics in Gateshead who shares her opinion on lemon bottle with us “Lemon bottle feels a bit too good to be true. Results seem variable depending on camera angles etc. and feel it hasn’t been around long enough to certainly say it’s safe” Rachel also goes on to say that there is “concerning anecdotal stories about the impact on kidneys and facial swelling”.

When asked if she would offer this treatment Rachel said, “Likely no, until more research”.

With this being said, this article is not here to deter or advise people to go ahead with this treatment or any other fat loss treatment on the market. We simply just want to shed light on how quickly TikTok can move from one trend to another and have so many people following without doing their research. As a society, we should not be relying on TikTok to keep up with appearances as it is simply unattainable with a new trend each month it seems.

Rachel Watson also shared some words of advice for anyone who considers getting lemon bottle treatment “do your research, go to someone safe. It won’t cause any weight loss on the scales. May just change the appearance of certain areas. Maybe wait a little longer for more research”

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